Friday, January 4, 2008

This Is Crush Cast

This is Crush sounds like a girly gossip page, a sixth grade field trip to the roller garden, a game of MASH written on the back of a Trapper-Keeper, a wreath of hearts drawn in pink pen around a yearbook picture...but it's not. It's a collection of creative non-fiction and the occasional rant, or whatever I feel like writing about. It's three parts on-line diary and one part Op-Ed. Or something. This is Crush in crushed basil. Crushed grapes. Crushed career aspirations. Fingers crushed in a car door. You get the idea. This is not a playground graffito, nor is it a libelous list of other peoples' secret crushes.

That's not to say I don't have a secret crush, but I'll never tell who it is. Or will I? I guess you'll just have to keep reading.

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